Monday, 24 April 2017

Activities to celebrate Childrens Day in Japan

'Team Orkney' is local small group promoting Japanese language and culture in Orkney which was established from links formed between Orkney company Aquatera and a secondary school in the tsunami affected area of Japan.
They are promoting cultural links between Orkney and Japan and have organised a series of fun activities in the library on Saturday 6th May between 10am and 4pm to celebrate Childrens Day in Japan. This will include Traditional musicians, a karate demonstration, origami, calligraphy, tasting Japanese food and dressing up in Japanese clothes.

To support Childrens Day in Japan we will be flying a special flag called a KOI NOBORI on Friday 5th May. Click here for more information


Thursday, 13 April 2017

Safer Routes to School thanks to Sustrans

To address safety concerns expressed by parents new arrangements have been made which avoid using the kitchen car park as a route for parents and children accessing the nursery or playground from the Willowburn Road and Peedie Breeks/Berstane Road areas. This has been partly funded through a grant from Sustrans who promote safer routes to school
Follow the green line for the new safe access to the Playground

A new gate has been created on the cycleway which skirts the playground at the rear of the school. If arriving at school from Willowburn Road turn in at the end of the Infant Hall as before and continue and access the existing cycle/walkway before using the new gate to access the playground. 
The existing route will no longer be a regular option as gate 2 (see diagram above) may be locked. Access to the kitchen for lunch tickets will remain unchanged.