Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Global Goals Week

The Eco Club presented the 17 global goals to the whole school at the Business Meeting this week to highlight the 17 key goals to make the world fairer and safer and how we can paly our part in caring ffor our planet. The three Global goals that the Pupil Groups at Papdale would be focusing on were:

Pupils Council .  4. Quality Education
Games Parliament:  5. Gender Equality
Eco Club:  6. Clean Water and Sanitation

To see a short Global Goals video click on this link

Representatives of all three pupil groups also attended the Parent Council AGM to do a presentation to reinforce the message.

Code Club Invitation

Three of our children recently were invited to the Library to meet with MSP Shirley-Anne Somerville as part of the Code Club initiative run by Orkney Library which encouraged children to get into computing. They had a chance to speak with the MSP and were excellent ambassabors for Papdale School.

Wednesday, 13 September 2017

Hoy here we come!

P6E were in high spirits as they got on the bus for the first leg of their journey to Hoy. 
They will be doing lots of outdoor activities organised by the outdoor education team.
They will have two overnight stays at the Hoy Outdoor Centre in Rackwick before returning home on Wednesday evening.