Friday, 26 January 2018

The Big Birdwatch

Lindsay Taylor from RSPB visited Papdale this week to speak at the Business Meeting and visit P2 classes. She told us about the birds we would be likely to see in the playground and how we could help the birds by providing extra food in the winter particularly. The P2 classes helped make some nutritious 'fatballs' to put out in the school grounds for the birds.

Everyone can get involved in the National Big Birdwatch which takes place this weekend. For more details  click on this link

Your Kirkwall Seminar

Our P5, P6 and P7 Pupil Council and Eco Club Representatives attended the Your Kirkwall Seminar.  It was a really good experience for the children and an opportunity for to show off their creativity

Tuesday, 16 January 2018


The children took full advantage of the snowy conditions to have some fun during break and lunch today.