Monday, 11 February 2019

Eco Club Litter Pick

The Eco Club were busy last week completing the Annual Litter Pick Survey. 
The survey involves Eco Club members going out to record the amount of re-cycleable and non re-cycleable litter found in the playground at a set time of day each day for a week.  
This helps us to measure how well we are picking up litter by comparing survey results for previous years and hopefully encourages us all to make sure all our litter ends up in the correct bin. 

P4/5 Netball Festival

20 girls, 10 each from P4 and P5, took part in the Orkney Netball P4/5 Festival on Saturday.  Along with around 100 bairns from other schools they participated in a hectic day with netball from 11.00am - 3.30pm including coaching stations and games.  They all did fantastic representing Papdale very well and went home happy and very tired!!!