Monday, 27 April 2015

Mini League Inter House up and running

While the P6 and P7 classes have their "official" Inter House Football and Netball competitions at the end of term 4 the Games Parliament decided it would be a good to use the lunch time break to hold Mini League Inter House competitions in for all P4-P7 classes in a variety of team games chosen by the classes. These  included football, netball, kick rounders, dodgeball, mini tag and basketball.
The competitions started at the beginning of this term and are proving popular with the classes who seem very keen to compete for the honour of their class and house. While the games can be very competitive all end with both teams lining up to shake hands with their opponents to encourage a sporting attitude win, lose or draw.

The calm before the storm as the two P6 classes come together before the dodgeball game begins! 

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